Month: May 2016

Jalapeño Cilantro Hummus – Takes only seconds to make this healthy, nutritious treat!

Was there life before hummus?

I don’t know about you, but I barely remember life before hummus.  I’m not even sure when this delicious, nutritious food came on the scene but I’m glad it did.  It is so popular it shows up on restaurant offerings as well as almost every potluck and party.  It comes in a variety of flavors and is very versatile.  In addition to being served as a dip with pita chips or veggies, it can be used as a spread on wraps and sandwiches too!

So what exactly is thing called “Hummus”?  It is made from garbanzo beans.  Yep, garbanzo beans blended with some seasonings.  That’s it.  It is that simple.  So why would anyone want to make their own hummus when you can just buy it already made in almost any grocery store?  That is a great question and my answer is…because it is so easy and you can whip it up on a moments notice using ingredients you have on hand (providing, of course, you have them on hand).  Another reason is that you can control what you put in it and adjust the seasonings to your preference.  And…not to mention…it is fun and impressive to say you made it yourself.  Right?  Sometimes it is just fun to say you made something yourself.

I hope you will give this recipe a try.  The recipe is more of a guideline than anything.  Feel free to add more jalapeños if you like it hotter.  You may want to add some lemon or lime juice and a sprinkle of oregano would taste great too.  Have fun with it and make it your own.  Oh, and please let me know how it works out for you.  I love to hear from you!

Stuffed Baked Artichokes – Omg…this is heaven


This is heaven…

I loooove all things artichokes!  I use artichoke hearts in salads and dips and pasta dishes. There is just mysterious and wonderful about this thing called an artichoke.  They are a bit like life…hard to read from the outside and yet once you’ve unsolved their mystery they are yours to do with as you wish.  You just have to get to know them at a deeper level than meets the eye.  Okay…perhaps I’m getting a little carried away and dramatic…all to drive the point of my passion for these wild creatures.

In truth, (more…)